A Reunion

Beckoned by a feeling


of ache and doubt,

it creeped up on my day

and nagged me throughout.

I sunk into the Earth

and rolled around on its grass,

as if to ask for an embrace

to swallow me up in its grasp.

Taken by a moment of renewal and trust,

it washed up on my day

and calmed me as it does.

I met his smile at the opening of my heart

and I sighed into its warmth and light.

He motioned with his hands,

and in one ease of movement I felt him say, “There you are my love….my sweet Enchantia…the ache you felt brought you back here to me, where I sit and wait.  All of the polarity leading you here to communion with me.”

I smirked in my ways and replied, “You could have just simply asked.”

He laughed a giant deep laugh, full of tease and unconditional love. “But then I wouldn’t hear such funny remarks your perspective has to offer.”

I relax stiller, laying on a white marble slab; giant luscious trees and a fresh flower scented breeze surrounding us.  He leans over me now, and puts his hands above my body and I feel, “Relax my Enchantia.”  I see the energy with his hands, and feel him lovingly do his energetic work on my body.  “Enchantia,” this name he keeps saying I have never heard before, but he keeps referring to me as such and it feels warm.  Sometimes he says “Enchantini” but its almost as if I am not hearing the full pronunciation of this word.

Then, as I relax further into the light, he moves his energy down between my thighs and up through my spine.  My pelvis moves as if to help guide the energy as he moves up through my belly, my navel to my ribs, to my chest, through my throat then all around the top of my head.

He then repeats this process and I feel him say…”I am within you,” as he moves the energy up my body again and around my head continues, “and you surround me.”

The love is intoxicating, sensual and holy.  I feel renewal and transformation as never felt before.  This divine reflection of my Godhead lover feels just as interconnected and receives the fullness of me, the divine goddess reflection, as much as I receive through him.  The ache and longing that brought me to this place was a distant memory, yet a cherished feeling to remember.

We float here in timelessness, and when I opened my eyes again, his voice was ever present on my heart.  Once I felt trapped by my thoughts which blocked me from speaking, but now I speak through our united voice.  We smile together at the reward of it all.  We are excited to be awakened to this holy divinity of unity in a place such as this.  We look forward to all of it, for the reunion is even sweeter than imagined.  All care has and always will be worked in our favor.

For “I am within you…and you surround me.”

Enjoy the latest Epic LBT song & art offered through the intention of spreading light and love!

Full Moon Oneness – February 22, 2016

I breathe deeply. A wayward hair tickles my face as a fresh breeze dances by me. My feet, legs, back, arms and head sink into the firmness of the ground and I feel a hum; a low buzzing. The vibration engulfs me and all that was without becomes within. I am the deepening, an extension of eyes peering out from the Earth. I perceive the radiance of the golden sun, and as it beams its light across my face, I smile in ‘thank yous.’ I am bathed in its love and I feel immersed in its glory. My lips move and form the words, “I love you,” as my heart leaps into a new rhythm.

Beneath my closed eyelids, I can see the shadows of clouds pass by, eclipsing the sun’s radiance. Yet, the heat of its love lingers, and I sigh even more deeply. Completely emerged now into the resplendence of my position, I feel timeless, eternal and united. I pray in wholeness. The murmur of a plane passes by over head, and instantly I connect to the heart which resonates inside its vehicle. We are beacons of love connecting and lighting up.

Illusions of polarity or duality dissipate, and all forms of black, white, male, female unite in holy union. Oneness of the Grand Whole is the reality of my focus.

A bird’s song sails overhead in an exuberant hymn as if to sing, “Alleluia!”

And so it is 🙂
Nicole Ann
Enjoy the latest Epic LBT song & art offered through the intention of spreading light and love!

Be Easy – 2-19-2016

I have been offered a gift – to awaken to the light which I am and you are; all of us intertwined in a cosmic light parade.  Our resonating awareness vibrates and calls to each other.  The fire within each one of us asks us to open up, share and explore this wonderland together.

For we are all united in this universe. My thoughts and feelings are felt here and there.  Nowhere, nothere – it’s all encompassed in this epic co-creation.

Let us find one another.  Let us love the deepness which we live.  Let us be our truest selves – Earth dwellers and galactic love beings.

Be easy on yourselves, my friends, and easy on each other.  Forgiveness lies in a moment and a space where truth expands.  For we are all here expanding in the absolute truth of light, love and resonance.

Blessings of love,

Nicole Ann

Enjoy the latest Epic LBT song & art offered through the intention of spreading light and love!

January Riffs on Order & Purpose – 01/16/2016

inloveWhere is this value in life?  We find purpose in putting things in order, only to see them back in chaos over and over again.  Its like an infinite jigsaw puzzle that you complete…and moments later a toddler comes around and throws all the pieces on the floor.

Are we kidding ourselves to think we can apply this purpose of creating order among chaos? Continue reading

Looking Backwards and Forwards

“I never expected to experience such despair and loneliness in this lifetime.”  Written by Choosemy 13 year old self.

I cleaned out my closets this weekend.  It feels really great to get rid of a bunch of clothes and items that no longer serve me.  In the past year, I moved across the country and in doing so let go of almost all my old wardrobe and a lot of material possessions. Its taken me this long to get my closets organized and let go of even more stuff from my “old” life.  Hidden in the bottom of a box, lay a folder including all of the poetry, songs and journals I began writing in my teenage years that went into my 20s.  Curious, I flipped through some entries and read through those old songs.  Its amazing to me how this woman I am still reflects the young girl who shined through those writings. Continue reading

My Date <3

My intent for sharing this story is to offer some insight on how we are all co-creating with Spirit; the most fulfilling true love reflecting in our lives.

I decided to go on a date with myself. I recently moved to FL, and coming from an inland Oysters!!!cold state to this reality has been an adventure in itself. Across from my studio is a seafood place that I’ve been looking forward to checking out. So, on this particular evening, I felt in my heart to go out and enjoy myself. I got dressed up and felt and looked good 😉

I sat at the bar in the center of the restaurant. The bartender was so friendly and accommodating, waiting on me intently. I enjoyed an internal dialogue with my higher self, and talked about how amazing the restaurant was, the decor, the friendly faces, etc. Beer was buy one get one free and my date and I giggled at that! 🙂

I ordered oysters and chowder…and amazingly oysters are in season right now! A woman and two guys walked over to my section and sat down. I smiled at them, and from reading them could instantly tell the guys were already either drunk or high on something. Or perhaps a combination of them. They asked if they could move down closer to me, as the side they were on was busy with waitresses getting drink orders. I said, sure its ok. The guy said, oh thank you so much and asked me my name. I told him, he took my hand, kissed it and said you are beautiful. (Inside I am giggling that my Spirit date told me I am beautiful!)

I laughed and said thank you, I’m on a date. He said, I can see that and told me his name was Freddie (I instantly thought freddie mercury haha!)

I continued on my date, focusing on my own heart. When the oysters arrived, I really enjoyed the fact I didn’t have to share them with anyone. The conversations with my date were fun, easy and light. The guy next to me would interject little conversation with me, and even commented that he was very close to asking me to share my oysters. To this I replied, well I’m not sharing these but you can try the chowder. His friend and him were talking about all the good chowder in the world. I took out a fork and dished some chowder up into it, and went to hand the fork to the man. His hands were shaking, and it was apparent in his state he probably would not get the chowder in his mouth. So I said, here open up…and I fed him the biteful in his mouth. LOL I would certainly do that on a date and the universe orchestrated that perfectly 🙂

We chit chatted here and there, but the woman they were with had told them NOT to talk to me and I could sense she was not too happy with them. She went to wait in the car, and the guys told me they were going to a bar across the way and I could join them…they’d give me a ride? I said I wasn’t sure if I will go, but if I do I would meet them there. They then left.

I’m true to my date…and she doesn’t really want to go out to a bar, but enjoy some music time at home. The bartender tells me that whenever I come in, he’ll make sure to take care of me and that him and the other guy is always there for whatever I need.

I go to pay, and the bartender says – oh those guys took care of it. My mouth fell open! Of course my date would pay for me!! God surely is the best date. Besides paying for my meal, Spirit offered me words of beauty, friendship, being taken care of, respect, and always being there for me. It was truly a magical experience and I can say with my full heart loving myself has been the most rewarding relationship in my life.