Upon My Gaze in the Mirror

Upon my gaze in the mirror I see,

solstice 2018

solstice 2018

A heavenly creator looking back at me.

It’s colors, shapes and peeking eyes,

As if the Oneness sent it’s horde of spies.

It speaks, it seeks, it yearns for what was,

What’s all the hype? What’s all the buzz?

A consciousness of light moves the now,

It sees, it hears, it exists somehow.

The grand mystery of all is poised as question upon question,

the creator itself masked by an expression.

Who am I but the witnesser to this light flow?

Who am I but the contemplator to this parade?

Who am I but the traveler to this unique show?

Who am I but the unraveler to this divine charade?

The I am of it all stands as the reflection and the reflector,

Projecting as the mirror and the image,

It’s source illusive behind a curtain, yet clearly visible as the refractor.

4:30 am musings by Nicole Ann

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